DIGITAL SOP 098: Configuring your Facebook Ads conversion events

Last Updated / Reviewed: 01/09/2024

Execution Time: ~10 minutes

Goal: Configure the 8 conversion events you will be able to use to optimize your Facebook campaigns.

Ideal Outcome: You have your 8 most important conversions set up in Facebook Business Manager, which you can use as the optimization objective for your campaigns.

Prerequisites or requirements:

  • You should have created a Business Manager account for your site (you can follow SOP 010 (web version) to do that.)
  • You should have installed the Facebook Pixel on your site (follow SOP 005 (web version) to install on any site using Google Tag Manager, or SOP 065 (web version) specifically for Shopify.
  • Plus, you should have already set up conversion tracking (Follow SOP 017 (web version)
  • Finally, you’ll need to have verified your domain inside Business Manager (you can follow SOP 097 (web version) to do that.)

Why this is important: With the release of iOS 14, Facebook Ads will now only allow you to optimize your campaigns for one of the 8 configured conversion events you select for your domain.

Where this is done: In Facebook Business Manager.

When this is done: Before you run any Facebook Ad campaigns. You only need to do this once.

Who does this: The person responsible for Facebook Ads.

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