DIGITAL SOP 144: Set out Google Dynamic Search Advertising Campaign

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: ~15 – 30 Mins


Goal: Successfully set up a Google Dynamic Search ad campaign for your website.

Ideal Outcome: An up and running Dynamic ad campaign that can help you find customers without relying on keywords.

Prerequisites or requirements: You need a Google Ads account. If you don’t have one please follow SOP 014: Create a Google Ads account.  You will also need to set up tracking prior to launching this campaign, if you have not, then please follow SOP 025: Adding Google Ads conversion tracking to a site.

Why this is important: Dynamic ad campaigns are great supplements and can fill in the gaps of your keyword based campaigns. There’s no need to map keywords and  headlines are dynamically generated so you save a lot of time in this process.

Where this is done: Google Ads manager.

When this is done: When you have existing keyword-based search campaigns and want to maximize the number of keywords to target.

Who does this: The person responsible for media buying.

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