DIGITAL SOP 093: How to Discover Anybody’s Email Address

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: ~1 to 30 minutes


Credits: This SOP is heavily based on Mark Rofe’s awesome Twitter thread, some steps were added, detailed, and improved to fit an SOP format.  

Goal: To find someone’s email address.

Ideal Outcome: You have one or more email addresses that belong to that person.

Prerequisites or requirements: Please consult your local regulations regarding email communications before sending cold email outreach campaigns.

Why this is important: Being able to reach the right person at the right time will increase your chances of success no matter what your proposal is.

Where this is done: On any web browser (ideally Chrome)

When this is done: Every time you want to find someone’s email address.

Who does this: The person responsible for lead lookup in your business.

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