DIGITAL SOP 087: How to dissect your competitor’s Facebook Ads strategy

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: ~30 minutes


Goal: To reverse-engineer your competitor’s Facebook Ads strategy.

Ideal Outcome: You have a standardized audit that shows you what your competitor is doing on Facebook.

Prerequisites or requirements: None.

Why this is important: Your competitor (especially if he has been investing in ads for longer than you) might have optimized their Facebook Ads strategy throughout time, and he might have strategies in place that you might want to apply yourself.

Where this is done: On Facebook Ads Library.

When this is done: As soon as possible, ideally when you start your business or Facebook Advertising. After that, you should be monitoring your competitor’s moves at least every month.

Who does this: The person responsible for Facebook Advertising.

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