DIGITAL SOP 080: How to eliminate harmful links to enhance your backlink profile

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: ~15 minutes


Goal: To disavow a list of links and domains in Google Search Console.

Ideal Outcome: You have created an accurate disavow file and disavowed the intended links in Google Search Console.

Pre-requisites or requirements: You need to have access to Google Search Console, you should also have determined which links and domains you want to disavow prior to executing this SOP. If you haven’t already you can first run a link audit by following SOP 076 – How to perform a backlink audit on your website.

Why this is important: In some cases, the only way to recover from (or avoid) a penalty might be to disavow specific links that are hurting your domain.

Where this is done: In Google Search Console.

When this is done: When there is a considerable number of spammy, artificial, or low-quality links across your link profile, that have caused a manual penalty or are likely to cause one in the future.

Who does this: The person responsible for SEO.

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