DIGITAL SOP 079: Generate Fast and Attractive Google Data Studio Dashboards and Reports

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: ~30 minutes


Goal: To create a Data Studio dashboard that saves time and stuns agency clients.

Ideal Outcome: Your Data Studio dashboard is fast to build, personalized, and reports on useful and actionable data.

Pre-requisites or requirements: You need a Google Account.

Why this is important: Reporting (especially when using data from multiple sources) can be a serious time drainer, creating a single report that automatically reports on your most important metrics in a glance can massively increase your productivity.

Where this is done: In Google Data Studio.

When this is done: Every time you want to visualize data on Google Data Studio.

Who does this: The person responsible for Reporting or Analytics in your business.

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