DIGITAL SOP 073: How to implement a naming standard on your Facebook Ads Account

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: 30 min – 1 hour

Goal: To define a naming convention that perfectly fits your account structure.

Ideal Outcome: You have a set of simple-to-follow instructions on how your Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads.

Prerequisites or requirements: N/A.

Why this is important: A clear naming convention will make it easier and more efficient for you and anyone that works on your ad accounts to get better control over your advertising campaigns, and to report on them.

Where this is done: In a text document or a spreadsheet.

When this is done: Every time you start working on a new ad account that doesn’t already have one naming convention.

Who does this: The person responsible for Facebook Ads or Marketing strategy.

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