DIGITAL SOP 048: Creating an email address using your personal domain name

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: ~15 minutes


Goal: Creating a custom email address using your own domain name.

Ideal Outcome: You and your team will be able to contact clients and partners using a professional, branded email address.

Prerequisites or requirements: This SOP covers 3 methods:

  • Using Dreamhost: For Dreamhost customers only.
  • Using cPanel: For any web hosts using cPanel (most web hosting companies use cPanel, ask your web host if not sure).
  • Using Google Suite: Works with any host.

Why this is important: Because all self-respecting businesses should have a custom, domain name-based email address.

Where this is done: In Dreamhost Panel (if you use Dreamhost) or cPanel (If your server is using it).

When this is done: When you start your business, when you hire a new member for your team, or when you want to restructure your communication workflow.

Who does this: The person responsible for IT.

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