DIGITAL SOP 030: Expand your email list with a content upgrade popup

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: 20 ~ 35 minutes


Goal: Promote your content upgrade on your site using a popup to grow your email list.

Ideal Outcome: You will be able to easily start growing your email list.

Pre-requisites or requirements:

  • You need to have Sumo installed on your website. If you don’t have it, check out this SOP to learn how to do it.
  • Obviously, you need to have a content upgrade to share with users. It should be attractive enough for people to give their email addresses. It can be a PDF with interesting information, a worksheet, an ebook, a podcast, a video, etc. Basically, it can be any piece of content that you create and offers value to users.

Why this is important: It helps you grow your email list in an organic way without disrupting the user experience.

Where this is done: Wordpress & Sumo

When this is done: Every time you have a piece of content that you want to offer in exchange of email information.

Who does this: You or the digital marketing specialist in your company.

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