DIGITAL SOP 023: How to produce social media content from a blog post

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25, 2024

Execution Time: 2 ~ 2:30 hours


Goal: To learn how to easily create impactful social posts from your blog post

Ideal Outcome: By the end of this, you will have an easy and streamlined process that will enable you to bring more visitors to your blog post and have better content on your social media accounts (which, hopefully, doesn’t involve videos with cats).

Prerequisites or requirements:

  • You need to have your site set up.
  • Yoast SEO  – if you don’t have it installed, check out this SOP to learn how to do it.

Why this is important: Your social media accounts are some of the most powerful tools you can use to promote your blog posts, create an audience and let potential clients know about your business. It is important to have a reliable process for creating social posts from your blog posts because only this way you will be able to maximize the impact of your blog posts and have brand consistency.

Where this is done: Google Sheets, Wordpress and helpful 3rd party apps.

When this is done: Whenever you create a blog post and want to share it on your social media accounts.

Who does this: You or the social media manager in your company. Actually, it’s so easy that you could even teach your grandma how to do it.

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