DIGITAL SOP 017: Setting up Facebook Conversion Tracking

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25, 2024

Execution Time: 15-30 minutes

Goal: Have all your conversions set up and send the conversions data to the Facebook ad platform.

Ideal Outcome: The conversions are properly set up, and you can now use them inside your Ad campaigns.

Prerequisites or requirements:

To follow this SOP to add Standard Events, you need:

  • Google Tag Manager installed on your site. If you haven’t done so already, you can follow SOP 004 (web version) if you’re using WordPress, SOP 065 (web version) if you’re using Shopify, or SOP 066 (web version) if you’re using Squarespace.
  • You should have created a Business Manager account for your site. You can follow SOP 010 (web version) to do that.
  • You also need to have the Meta (Facebook) pixel on your website. If you don’t have it yet, you can follow: SOP 005 (web version) .
  • Finally, you’ll need to have verified your domain inside Meta Business Manager (you can follow SOP 97 (web version)  to do that).
  • Why this is important: When you finish this SOP, you should then be able to see how many conversions and how much revenue each ad is bringing you, allowing you to start optimizing your campaigns for the best results.

Where this is done: In your Google Tag Manager account and Meta Ads platform.

When this is done: Every time, a new conversion needs to be measured.

Who does this: The person responsible for IT, analytics, or paid advertising.

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