DIGITAL SOP 015: Excluding own traffic from Google Analytics

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25, 2024

Execution Time: 5-10 minutes


Goal: To exclude all traffic that is generated by you, or your employees/contractors.

Ideal Outcome: Your internal traffic will not affect your Google Analytics’ metrics.

Prerequisites or requirements:

Google Analytics needs to be set up on your website. If you haven’t done so, follow SOP 163 instead.

Why this is important: Your internal traffic can seriously skew your metrics to the point of getting you to make wrong decisions. You want to keep your data clean and as accurate as possible.

Where this is done: In your Google Analytics 4 account.

When this is done: As soon as you set up your Google Analytics account, and whenever you suspect internal traffic might be skewing your data.

Who does this: The person responsible for Analytics. You and your employees / contractors.

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