DIGITAL SOP 012: Starting a Guest Blogging Link-Building Campaign

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25, 2024

Execution Time: 8-10 hours/campaign


Goal: Establish a process to find guest blogging opportunities, reach out, and easily create content to acquire backlinks.

Ideal Outcome: You’re able to consistently build high-quality, not spammy, contextual backlinks to your site.

Prerequisites or requirements: 

You’ll need to be familiar with how to perform keyword research and possibly have a keyword strategy already. Check out SOP 011 to learn how to do that.

Why this is important: Link building is an essential element of SEO. If you want to rank for competitive and queries, you will need to build links.

Where this is done: In your Chrome web browser (using the Chrome extensions described in the SOP), in BuzzStream, and in TextBroker.

When this is done: Whenever you want to build links to your site.

Who does this: The person in charge of SEO / link building for your site. You can also outsource some of these tasks to a virtual assistant or freelancer.

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