DIGITAL GUIDELINES 020: How to initiate your online presence on social media?

Last Updated / Reviewed: May 17th, 2022


Goal: To set the basis for a solid social media strategy and implement a plan and tools for a business that has a weak social presence.

Prerequisites or requirements: This recipe does not cover creating accounts with the different social media platforms. It assumes you already have some kind of social profiles created (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc).

Why this is important: No matter your niche, chances are your customers are present in at least one social platform, it’s important to make sure they are being heard, replied to, and that they interact with the content and messages that you put out.

When this is done: Most of your gains will be felt the first time you run this recipe, but your strategy might (and probably should) change as you analyze your results, so it’s important to go back to this recipe every few months to review your strategy.

Who does this: The person responsible for social media.

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