DIGITAL SOP 041: Find on-page optimization opportunities on a website

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: 5-7 hours (depending on how large your site is)


Goal: Knowing which of the pages you should optimize in a website, especially when there are a lot of them and you don’t have much time at your disposal to optimize each of them.

Ideal Outcome: You will be able to easily determine the most important pages in your site, so that you get the highest ROI on the time you spend optimizing your site.

Prerequisites or requirements: It is recommended that you know how to perform keyword research. Our SOP 011 will teach you how to do this.

Why this is important: On-page optimization is absolutely crucial for your SEO efforts. However, if your website is hundreds or thousands of pages long, and it has never been optimized, the 80/20 site-wide on-page optimization method presented in this SOP will help you determine which pages to optimize first.

Where this is done: In your browser, using Ahrefs and Google Sheets, as well as KW Finder for your keyword research.

When this is done: When you decide to perform on-page optimization on a large website.

Who does this: You, your VA, your SEO specialist, or a digital marketing agency you have employed.

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