DIGITAL SOP 025: Adding Google Ads conversion tracking to a site (using GTM)

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25, 2024

Execution Time: 15-30 minutes

Goal: To track your Google Ads conversions (e.g. form fills, purchase, subscriptions, telephone clicks, etc) inside the platform.

Ideal Outcome: You can see how many conversions your Google Ads campaigns generated, as well as the value of those conversions.

Prerequisites or requirements:

To follow this SOP, you will need to have installed Google Tag Manager (GTM) on your site. If you haven’t done so, and you are using WordPress you can follow SOP 004 (web version). You will also need a Google Ads account. If you don’t have one yet, you can follow SOP 014 (web version).

Why this is important: When you finish this SOP, you should then be able to see how many conversions and how much revenue each ad is bringing you, allowing you to start optimizing your campaigns for the best results.

Where this is done: In Google Tag Manager and Google Ads.

When this is done: Every time there is a new conversion that needs to be measured.

Who does this: The person responsible for website management, analytics, or paid advertising.

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