DIGITAL SOP 062: Grant Access to Facebook Business Manager

Last Updated / Reviewed: 02/04/2024

Execution Time: 10 mins

Goal: To grant Facebook Business Manager access to agency, contractor, or employees so they can help manage your Facebook page or ads.

Ideal Outcome: Your agency, contractor, or employees will have access (but not ownership) to your Facebook Business Manager account.

Prerequisites or requirements:

  • You need a Business Manager Account. If you don’t have one yet (or have not heard of Facebook Business Manager) you can follow the “Create a Business Manager Account” chapter of SOP 010 (web version);
  • This guide will also need your Facebook Page and Ads Manager to be managed by a Facebook Business Manager account, NOT from a personal account. If you haven’t done so, please refer to SOP 114 (web version) to Migrate Facebook Assets from personal to Facebook Business Manager

Why this is important: If your assets aren’t properly accounted for and managed, you can easily lose track who has access to what.

Where this is done: Inside Facebook Business Manager.

When this is done: Every time you start to work with somebody else on a Facebook Asset.

Who does this: Business owner who has admin access to Facebook Business Manager.

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