DIGITAL SOP 007: Developing a Cart-Abandonment Retargeting Campaign Using Facebook Ads

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25, 2024

Execution Time: ~20-30 minutes



Goal: To create a simple Facebook ads campaign that targets those who almost  purchased your product.

Ideal Outcome: You start generating more sales by marketing to your most qualified leads by investing under 30 minutes of your time in setting up a paid campaign.

Prerequisites or requirements: You can only do this once you have already installed the Facebook Pixel on your site.

Why this is important: Remarketing campaigns are perhaps the first type of paid campaign you should start running if you already have consistent website traffic. Cart abandonments are easy-to-capture revenue opportunities.

Where this is done: In the Facebook Ads Manager and Google Tag Manager.

When this is done: When you have a significant number of people going through your checkout flow and want to implement a process to bring a portion of them back to your site (and complete their purchase.)

Who does this: The person responsible for executing the campaign.

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