DIGITAL SOP 124: How to Assess Facebook Advertising Account

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: ~5-10 mins


Goal: To perform an audit on your team or client’s ad account to determine opportunities to improve and issues to fix.

Ideal Outcome: You will be able to determine what’s working and not working on the ad account and setting your next steps for when you take over.

Pre-requisites or requirements:

  • You will need access to your client’s or your company Facebook Business Manager and ad account.

Why this is important: The results of this audit will get you acquainted with the ad account history, reveal the low-hanging fruits, and pave the way to a new media buying strategy.

Where this is done: Inside Facebook Business Manager.

When this is done: After client onboarding as long as the client has granted you access to their Facebook Business Manager account. The result of this audit will set the foundation to your ad campaign strategy. In some cases you may also offer the audit for free as part of the sales process / proposal.

Who does this: The person responsible for media buying.

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