DIGITAL SOP 145: Select a Bid Strategy for Google Ads Campaigns

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: ~5 – 15 Mins


Goal: To determine the right bidding strategy for your Google Ad campaigns.

Ideal Outcome: Set up a bidding strategy that maximizes the objective of your ad campaign.

Prerequisites or requirements: You will need to set up conversion tracking prior to launching this campaign, if you have not, then please follow SOP 025: Adding Google Ads conversion tracking to a site.

Why this is important: Setting a bidding strategy is a prerequisite for launching a Google Ad campaign, and selecting the right bidding strategy will greatly affect its performance.

Where this is done: Google Ads manager.

When this is done: When you’re launching an ad campaign on Google.

Who does this: The person responsible for media buying.

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