DIGITAL SOP 068: How to add a Facebook Pixel to a Shopify Store

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

Execution Time: ~5 min

Goal: To add the Facebook pixel to your Shopify Store.

Ideal Outcome: The Facebook pixel is properly installed without any technical issues.

Prerequisites or requirements: You need a Shopify account, and a Facebook Business Manager account with a Facebook Ads account associated to it. If you don’t have one you can follow SOP010 – Create a Facebook Ads Account using Business Manager.

Why this is important: The Facebook Pixel is essential if you want to use Facebook advertising. With this pixel, you can create remarketing audiences and set up conversions for your campaigns and better optimize your ads.

Where this is done: In your Shopify store admin panel and Facebook Ads manager.

When this is done: Only once—the first time you install the Facebook pixel.

Who does this: The person responsible for website management, analytics, or paid advertising.

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