DIGITAL SOP 024: Add Sumo to any website using GTM

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25, 2024

Execution Time: 15 ~ 30 minutes


Goal: Have Sumo installed on your website using Google Tag Manager

Ideal Outcome: Get the Sumo plugin properly and use it to grow your site.

Prerequisites or Requirements: Google Tag Manager must be installed on your website. If you are not sure how to do that, please check this SOP to learn how to do that.

Why this is important: Sumo offers a set of tools that help you grow your website and receive loads of traffic. We recommend using Google Tag Manager to install Sumo on your site because it enables you to centralize all of the code you add to your site in a single tool.

Where this is done: Your website & Sumo.

When this is done: Yesterday. But it’s okay, you can do it now as well. You only need to install this plugin once and then you’ll be able to enjoy all its benefits.

Who does this: You do it!

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