DIGITAL SOP 013: Inserting Google Ads Global Site Tag to a site (using GTM)

Last Updated / Reviewed: March 25, 2024

Execution Time: 10-20 minutes


Goal: To add the Google Ads Tag to your website

Ideal Outcome:  Your tag is properly installed, and your remarketing audience is now being built inside your Google Ads Account.

Prerequisites or requirements: You need a Google Ads Account (using the new Google Ads interface) to be able to perform this SOP. If you don’t have a Google Ads Account set up yet, you can see how to do that here. You should also be using Google Tag Manager to add tags to your site, you can see how to do that here.

Why this is important:  Remarketing gives you the chance to reach out to visitors that showed interest in your product or service, by going to your website but might have left without having performed all the actions you would want them to do.

Where this is done: In your Google Ads account (using the latest interface).

When this is done: Only once, when you want to add the remarketing tag for the first time.

Who does this: The person responsible for website management or paid advertising.

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